Cherry syrup

Home / Products / Recipes /  Drinks & smoothies  / Cherry syrup


  • 2.2 lb cherries
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice, without seeds or pulp
  • White granulated sugar

*If you’re using sour cherry, you can skip the lemon juice.


Remove the stems and pits from the cherries (see the video for an easy way to do it). Weigh them and put in a pot.
Add the same weight of the cherries in sugar to the pot, then pour the lemon juice. Press with the bottom of a glass or a potato masher so the cherries come apart. Mix well, cover with a cloth, and let it sit until the next day.

Stir from time to time over low heat. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from the heat.
Place a strainer with a clean cloth in a bowl. Pour the mixture and let it strain the water on itself, moving it from time to time (without pressing or the mixture will get cloudy) until all the liquid has fallen.

Bottle the liquid, store in the fringe until using, and enjoy!


Recipe by: @minigourmet


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