Home / Products / Recipes /  Sugar free  / SUGAR-FREE DATE AND STRAWBERRY PANNA COTTA


(10 small cups)

  • 2 fl oz coconut milk (Only the thick part. You can obtain it by putting the coconut milk in the fridge and opening it without shaking. It is the white part on top.)
  • 4 oz dates, soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes
  • 17 fl oz cream (it can be replaced with non-dairy whipping cream)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 3 gelatin leaves
  • 10.5 oz fresh strawberries


  1. Put the dates in a jar, previously soaked and strained, with coconut milk and mash with a hand mixer until obtaining a very smooth purée. You can do it in a food processor or blender if you cannot mash them well. We also recommend filtering before using.
  2. Heat the cream with cinnamon, and once warm, add the date puree. Stir until everything is dissolved and remove from the heat.
  3. Hydrate the gelatin leaves in cold water for 10 minutes, remove and strain well. Add to the cream and date mixture, once warm, and stir until dissolved.
  4. Divide into the cups and refrigerate until set (2 to 3 hours).
  5. Slice the strawberries and spread on top of the panna cotta when serving.