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The following is the privacy policy that governs the website: https://www.hortifrut.com/es/ (hereinafter, the Website).

This policy applies to all users of the Website, whether they are customers (hereinafter, indistinctly, “the user” or “users”) who are considered natural persons. By personal data, we mean any information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

This Web Site is intended for users over 18 years of age, and its use is forbidden to minors under this age. In addition, the user responsibly acknowledges that he/she has sufficient legal capacity to be able to subscribe, if necessary, to the services offered by Hortifrut.

1. Who is the data controller?  

The Data Controller of the personal data collected through the Website is Hortifrut Limited with Company Registration Number (CRN) 701701 and registered office at Ella House, Suite 40.1, 40 Merrion Square East, Dublín 2, D02 NP96 (hereinafter Hortifrut).

For any questions regarding data protection, the user can contact the Data Protection Officer of the entity, through the following e-mail address: dataprotection@hortifrut.com

2. What type of personal information do we gather?

Hortifrut may gather the following personal information from users, through the forms provided on the Website or other communication channels provided by Hortifrut, although we will always request adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of treatment (principle of minimization of personal data):

  • Personal identification data (name and last name).
  • Personal contact details (email and contact telephone number).

Similarly, when you browse our platform, you should be aware of the cookies that are installed on your terminal or device as this involves the processing of your personal data according to the type of cookies reported and their specific purposes (see cookies policy).

All information provided by the user must be truthful and accurate. For these purposes, the user guarantees the authenticity of all data provided because of the completion of the forms and / or corresponding requests. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made, and the damages caused to Hortifrut and / or third parties.

3. For what purposes do we process the data? Information on legal bases and retention period associated with each processing activity.

To enable the operation of the Web Site, allowing access to the information and content available on it.Consent and satisfaction of the legitimate interest, own or third party, associated with the proper management, maintenance, development and evolution of the platform, tools, network, and associated information systems, allowing its proper functioning, features, access to content and services, as well as the overall security of all the above.In general, the data will be kept for these purposes for the essential and necessary time to enable proper navigation and use of our website and the content available through this to which you access. Regarding the data associated with the browsing profile, in relation to the analytical cookies that, where appropriate, you have accepted as indicated in our cookies policy, you must pay attention to the section on the temporality of these (see cookies policy).
Respond to requests or solicitations sent through the contact form and/or any other means of contact.   The personal data you provide through the contact form and / or any means of contact enabled on the Website, will be processed only to respond to your inquiry or request. The information collected is limited to identification and contact data, as well as data related to the nature of the request you send us.The user’s consent and execution of pre-contractual measures or the contractual relationship between the parties, under the terms provided for in Article 6.1.b) of the GDPR.The information collected through the form will be used for the period necessary to respond to the query or request for information. Subsequently, the data will be deleted, unless the nature of the consultation or request requires the conservation of your information for other purposes, in which case we will inform you about the purpose of the processing, the conservation period and data recipients, in the corresponding terms.
Management of job candidates’ applications: The identification and curricular data will be used for the purpose of managing the recruitment process of candidates in relation to Hortifrut’ s job offers.(Management of applications) Implementation of pre-contractual measures or execution of the contractual relationship between the parties (in a broad sense), in the terms provided for in Article 6.1.b) of the GDPR.The data of job candidates will be kept for the time necessary for the assessment and, at the most, for a period of one year. After this period, we will proceed to delete the information. The retention period will not apply in cases where the holder of the Résumé is hired, in which case HORTIFRUT will process the data in accordance with the provisions of the employee’s employment contract.

When the legitimate basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, we remind you that you have the right to revoke your consent at any time simply and free of charge by writing to us at dataprotection@hortifrut.com

In any case, in relation to the period of conservation of the data, and without prejudice to the above, the user is also informed as follows:

  • In accordance with current legislation on personal data protection, in all matters concerning the correct processing of personal information by Hortifrut, this entity may also keep the information for three years securely from its gathering/collection (statute of limitations for infringements in this area).
  • Regarding the time of conservation of cookies, the user is recommended to consult our cookies policy (section temporality).
  • In general, when the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were gathered, they will be blocked, remaining available only to the competent authorities for the possible purge of legal responsibilities during the processing of the same, always in accordance with the applicable regulations, and may not be used for purposes other than these. After the corresponding legal deadlines in case of blocking, such personal data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable regulations, and may also, if applicable, be securely anonymized by Hortifrut (anonymized/non-personal data).

4. With whom do we share the data and are there any international data transfers?

We inform the user that the information gathered through the Website may be transferred to the following recipients:

  • Other Hortifrut Group companies, if necessary. In this sense, you can know the companies of the group in the following link https://investor.hortifrut.com/memorias-corporativas/. In any case, we will only transfer data that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the processing purposes (principle of minimization of personal data).
  • Trusted service providers, who may access personal information in the development of the services they may provide to Hortifrut under their control and to the extent strictly necessary for the provision of services contracted with them (for example, IT providers responsible for hosting and / or maintenance of the Website).
  • Where appropriate, to other companies in the framework of actions and preparatory acts of review prior to commercial operations of any nature, such as merger, spin-off, global transfer of assets and liabilities, contribution or transfer of business or branch of business activity, or any operation of corporate restructuring and/or business of analogous nature contemplated in the commercial regulations, based on our legitimate interest in giving continuity to the provision of our services.

We also inform the user that, since Hortifrut belongs to an international group, being present in multiple jurisdictions (consult the companies of the group in the following link https://investor.hortifrut.com/memorias-corporativas/), international transfers of personal data are made outside the European Economic Area (EEA), adopting the necessary measures and guarantees applicable in this area, in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data. In particular, the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission on June 4, 2021, are adopted.

For further information on these guarantees and processing, please contact the Data Protection Officer in writing: dataprotection@hortifrut.com

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of information obtained through certain cookies, international data transfers may be made (for more information, see our cookie policy).

5. What rights does the user have and how can he/she exercise them?

The user has the right to:

  • access your personal data, including confirmation of whether your personal data is being processed, and basic information regarding such processing, as well as to obtain a copy of the personal data being processed.
  • withdraw the consent given, at any time.
  • request the rectification of inaccurate data.
  • request deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • oppose the processing of your personal data, in which case Hortifrut will stop processing them, except for legitimate reasons (such as the exercise or defense against possible claims).
  • the limitation of the processing.
  • to the portability of your data; and
  • not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling).

To exercise these rights, the user can send an email to the following address: dataprotection@hortifrut.com

If the User is not satisfied with his/her right or considers that the data processing does not comply with the applicable regulations, he/she may submit a complaint to the corresponding supervisory authority.

6. Social Networks

Hortifrut has a profile on the main social networks on the Internet (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

In the event that users have a profile on any of these social networks and contact Hortifrut by this means or in any other way, the personal data provided by the user, and those that are visible as a user of the social network concerned, will be processed by Hortifrut, in the social network itself, to respond to such requests through the channels of the social network concerned, applying for these purposes this privacy policy.

In particular, the personal data, if any, provided by the user through these social networks will be processed only to respond to your inquiry or request. The information gathered will be limited, in general, to identification and contact data, as well as data related to the nature of the request you direct to us.

The user is entitled to exercise his/her rights, as explained in this privacy policy. However, the exercise of these rights will be defined by the functionalities of the corresponding social network, being able to exercise these rights only in relation to that information that is under Hortifrut control.

In no case, Hortifrut will extract data from social networks, unless the user’s consent to do so is specifically and expressly obtained.

7. Changes in the privacy policy

Hortifrut reserves the right to make changes to the terms of its privacy notice, which will be notified through our website. Therefore, we recommend visiting our policies periodically to be aware of new updates.

If you have any questions about this document or any of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address of our Data Protection Officer: dataprotection@hortifrut.com